18. Both View – Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Some think they should begin at at least seven years old. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age. Some think they should begin at at least seven years old.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Introduction Exact paraphrase the Question [1] There has been a debate on whether S + V
Answer the Question [2] Although it is understandable why some think A (View 1), B (View 2) is still far more significant
BODY 1 VIEW 1 [3] Topic sentence 1:There are several reasons to justify View 1, (the most important of which are N1 + N2)
[4] 1.1 Idea 1:First, S + V
[5] 1.1 Examples/ Explanations/ Results
[6] 1.2 Idea 2:Another reason could be that S + V
[7] 1.2 Examples/ Explanations/ Results
BODY 2 VIEW 2 [8] Topic sentence 2:Nevertheless, I still side with those who believe that View 2
[9] 2.1 Idea 1:This is because S + V

This is due to the fact that

[10] 2.1 Examples/ Explanations/ Results
[11] 2.2 Idea 2:In addition, S + V
[12] 2.2 Examples/ Explanations/ Results
CONCLUSION Paraphrase the Answer [2] [13] In conclusion, despite acknowledging why some think S + V (View 1), I hold the belief that S + V


Answer: các bạn hướng về view nào hơn

…., I am of the opinion that/ I side with those who belive that …View 1 > View 2

Topic sentence 1: View 2 (paraphrase lại)
Idea 1: trẻ em nên có có nhiều thời gian để tận hưởng tuổi thơ
In fact, nhưng đứa trẻ có tuổi thơ vui vẻ, được quan tâm nhiều về mặt tinh thần -> sẽ lạc quan hơn, có nhiều kí ức vui vẻ


Những đứa trẻ dưới 7 tuổi còn quá nhỏ để chịu được áp lực của việc học hành ở trường

Idea 2: những đứa trẻ học lúc 7 tuổi thì thường nhận thức/ ý thức của chúng thì được phát triển tốt hơn


Trẻ em nên được dạy về cách ứng xử/ đạo đức trước khi bắt đầu học những kiến thức trên trường

Kết quả là, những trẻ em đó có thể có bước khởi đầu tại trường tốt hơn ->khả năng tiếp thu/ kết quả học tốt hơn
Topic sentence 2: View 1
Idea 1: Vì trẻ em càng nhỏ thì khả năng tiếp thu càng nhanh và tốt, nếu được học sớm thì chúng được học và nhớ được nhiều hơn
Example: trẻ em có thể nhớ thông qua hình ảnh tốt, nếu được dạy thêm cái mà chúng đã nhớ thì sẽ giúp chúng nhớ lâu hơn
Idea 2: khi trẻ em được đi học sớm -> bắt đầu sớm -> trang bị nền tảng sớm hơn -> có nhiều kiến thức và kĩ năng hơn -> dễ thành công hơn
Ví dụ: khi được học sớm, thì bên cạnh những kiến thức trẻ em còn được rèn luyện sớm hơn những kĩ năng giao tiếp, giải quyết vấn đề,…
Conclusion, …

There has been a debate on whether children should commence to go to school either at very early age or at least seven years old. Although it is understandable why some think children should begin going school at least seven years old, I am option that formal education at early age is still far more significant.

There are several reasons to justify that children should begin at at least seven years old. First, the children should have time to enjoy their childhood.  In fact, the children whose childhood is joy and happy will often have optimistic life and easier success in career. Another reason could be that at this age, children have enough development of awareness to receive the new knowledge. As the result, these children have starter step better in collecting knowledge.

Nevertheless, I still side with those who believe that formal education at early age  is still far more significant. This is because children that they are at early age have quick ability to acquire knowledge. In fact, if parent can take advantage to teach them in this time, they can learn quickly and remember in-depth, especially the foreign language. In addition, when the children begin formal education at every early age, they equip basis of knowledge, skill sooner than others to help them become easier success in future. For example, beside the knowledge getting in school, these children can increase personal experience by practicing communication skill or problem solving skill.

In conclusion, despite knowing why some think children should begin going school at least seven years old, I hold the brief that formal education at early age is still far more significant.



[1] Paraphrasing
[2] Answer: opinion (7 years old)
[3] Topic sentence 1: why children should begin early
[4] Idea 1: learn numeracy and letters early -> foundations -> better academic performance
[6] Idea 2: develop social skills (communication)
[8] Topic sentence 2: Why they should start at 7
[9] Idea 1: start early -> pressure (peer pressure) -> they are immature -> cannot bear with it


[11] Idea 2: through playing at home, children can also strengthen skills
[13] Conclusion, …








(1) Have an early commencement of study: bắt đầu học sớm

(2) Gain better academic performance: đạt được kết quả học tốt hơn

(3) Assimilate (v) tiếp thu

(4) Acquire desirable outcomes: thu được những kết quả mong muốn

(5) Be devoid of time: không có thời gian

(6) Free somebody to do something: giải phóng thời gian cho ai đó làm gì đó

(7) Peer pressure: áp lực đồng trang lứa

(8) Compete with their counterparts: cạnh tranh với những người cùng trang lứa

(9) Fall into victims of: trở thành nạn nhân của cái gì đó

(10) Raise concerns of: dấy lên những lo lắng về cái gì đó

There has been a debate towards whether children should have an early commencement of study. Although it is understandable why some support this view, I am of the opinion that a later start at 7 years old is far more beneficial.


There are several reasons to justify why some people support the view of sending little kids to schools at an early age. One of them can relate to helping children gain better academic performance in the future. In fact, if children go to schools early, they have chance to assimilate/ digest basic knowledge earlier, including numeracy and literacy, which is an essential foundation for them to learn more difficult subjects later and acquire desirable outcomes. In addition, since most modern families are dual-income, parents are devoid of time taking care of their offspring. As a result, sending children to schools early help free couples to dedicate more for their jobs.


Nevertheless, I still side with those who believe that children should start their formal education at the age of 7. One of reasons could be that starting at a young age could put pressure, especially peer pressure on children. In fact, in order to be outstanding and compete with their counterparts, young schoolers nowadays have to spend most of their time studying, making them depressed and have less chance to enjoy their childhood. Not to mention, while at schools, innocent children can fall into victims of bullying from their classmates, or even from their teachers. For example, in Vietnam, media has revealed many cases in which teachers at preschools hit or abuse little kids just because those kids want to miss a lunch, which has raised concerns of sending children to schools too early.


In conclusion, despite acknowledging why some advocate an early start to formal schooling, I still hold the belief that children should not get a formal education until they are aged 7.






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