14. AGREE-DISAGREE – In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food or other products, such as medicine or clothing. Do you agree or disagree? (Real test 05/01/2019)


[1] Paraphrasing
[2] Approach: balanced
[3] Topic sentence: no longer necessary to use animals for medicine and clothing

Animal testing/ treatments

[4] Idea 1: (medicine) thay vì dùng động vật, đặc biệt những đv quý hiếm, để chữa bệnh -> giờ đã có thể dùng kĩ thuật hiện đại để hoặc chữa bệnh hoặc phòng bệnh
[5] Ví dụ: biến đổi gen/ nghiên cứu tổng hợp thuốc mới -> nghiên cứu chỉ ra kết quả tốt hơn nhiều

Kết quả: như vậy người ta sẽ không còn săn bắt nữa/ không còn cần lạm dụng đv nữa

[6] Idea 2: (clothing) vì giờ đã có những nguồn nguyên liệu mới -> không cần đv nữa

Con người không có quyền xâm hại đến đv chỉ vì những mục đích cá nhân

[7] Ví dụ: người ta có thể dùng da nhân tạo thay da bò/ da cá sấu

Thực tế, đv cũng nên được respected and xem như 1 sinh vật sống

[8] Topic sentence: However, it is necessary to use animals as food
[9] Idea 1: thịt đv chứa nhiều protein và khoáng chất thiết yếu
[10] Ví dụ: nghiên cứu chỉ ra rằng, thịt bò ngoài cung cấp protein còn sắt và kim loại khác -> đảm bảo đủ dinh dưỡng cho con người
[11] Idea 2: con người có thể dùng những sản phẩm từ động vật chứ không nhất thiết phải ăn động vật such as cow milk

Nếu không dùng không đv, con người dùng toàn rau củ -> sẽ không đảm bảo được chế độ dinh dưỡng

[12] Kết quả: nó vừa đảm bảo được mặt nhân đạo (không cần killing animals for meat) mà còn đảm bảo nhu cầu thực phẩm thiết yếu của con người.

Bởi vì rau thì chỉ chưa một số vitamin thiết yếu sẽ không đủ elements for humans.

[13] In conclusion


In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food or other products, such as medicine or clothing. Do you agree or disagree?


  • Paraphrasing
  • Approach: balanced/partially disagree
  • Topic: no longer necessary to use animals as food or other products, thanks to the inventions of new artificial materials.
    • Idea 1: medicine: Using animals for medical research is indeed cruel and immoral. we do not have the right to kill other forms of life for our benefit
    • Support 1: the use of animals in medical research and trials is reduced and replaced by the development of advanced technology
    • Idea 2: clothing: clothing industry does not need the animal’s skin any longer to make leather clothes or accessories
    • Support 2: because there are many synthetic materials available today with their quality as high as the real leather.
  • Topic: Nevertheless, leaving out the use of animals from human life is unrealistic
    • Idea 1: animals are a major source of many essential nutrients for humans
    • Example: fish and meat are an integral part of many cuisines in the world, which are the major source of vitamins, minerals and proteins
    • Idea 2: people can use the product from the animal, not necessarily eat animal
    • Support 2: it has both a humanitarian (no killing animals for meat) but also essential human food needs.
  • In conclusion

 On the one hand, it is undeniable that the development of advanced technology can help people to reduce the involvement of animals to produce goods. Talking about medicines, using animals for medical research is indeed cruel and immoral, we do not have the right to kill other forms of life for our benefit. Fortunately, the use of animals in medical research and trials can be limited significantly thanks to the inventions of modern technology, what alternative to the use of animals as animal testing or medicines . In addition, the clothing industry would not need the animal’s skin any longer to make leather clothes or accessories. In fact, there are many synthetic materials available today with their quality as high as the real leather, some modern materials even have better quality compared to animal-based materials.


Nevertheless, leaving out the use of animals from human life is unrealistic. Firstly, animals are a great source of many essential nutrients for humans, which cannot be completely replaced by vegetables or modern food products. For example, fish and meat are an integral part of many cuisines in the world, which are the major source of vitamins, minerals and proteins.  Secondly,  People can use animal products as a food source without necessarily killing or eradicating animals. As a result, while people can get adequate essential nutrition needs, it also ensures humanitarian aspects when we avoid killing animals for food.


In conclusion, although many people believe in the future in which there is no animal-based usage. It seems to me that the idea is relatively impractical, especially in the food terms.



Human beings = humans

– Many areas such as food, clothing or medicine

– Some people believe that they would be no longer needed in the modern world

– this opinion, that -> this opinion because


– Hoac bỏ từ what alternative … medicines. Hoặc:

modern technology like computer-based stimulation in testing new drugs.


– Material -> hoặc dùng dạng countable -> materials -> their quality

Hoặc dùng dạng uncountable -> material -> its quality

– In fact, …..today, and their quality is as high as, or even better than animal-based ones.


– unrealistic (adj): phi thực tế

– a great source of

– nutrient (n): chất dinh dưỡng

– Be an intergral part of: là một phần không thể tách rời


– People -> people

– As a result …. for food -> nên đưa example

For example, people can grow cows and use milk and milk products from their cows.


– Impractical = Unrealistic

– Relatively (adv): một cách tương đối

– ALTHOUGH -> 2 vế

Dấu “.” -> dấu “,” -> chuyển về 1 câu

– …. believe there is no animal-based usage in the future, it seems to me that the idea is relatively impractical, especially when it comes to food demand. (When it comes to + Noun = In terms of + Noun = Regarding + Noun)

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